Gold Equipment
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> 炼金设备(火法和湿法) Gold-smelting equipment(dry method and wet method)[23] >
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Gold Equipment
No.1砂金矿选矿设备 Placer gold processing equipment
砂金选矿设备 Placer gold processing equipment
YTS型圆筒筛 Rotary Screen
CGYS型圆筒隔渣筛 Rotary Screen
CGZJ40型组合式砂金振动溜槽洗选机组 Combined vibrating sluice washing separation machine
CGZJ80型组合式砂金振动溜槽洗选机组 Combined vibrating sluice washing separation machine
CGT-8型振动式砂金精选机 Vibrating placer gold separator
CGLC120A型双层组合式砂金选矿溜槽 Combinational placer gold separation sluice
CGLC60A型双层组合式砂金选矿溜槽 Model combinational placer gold separation sluice
CGLC40A型双层组合式砂金选矿溜槽 Model combinational placer gold separation sluice
金毡 Kim felt
JXQ型无动力曲面涡流淘金机 Non-power surface eddy-current sweepwasher
LP600型盘式离心选金机 Centrifugal gold washing machine
STL型水套式选金机 Water-jacketed centrifugal fossick machine
LXW型卧式离心选金机 Horizontal centrifuge machine with gold
CGL-2型新型无污染高效振动离心选金机 The concentrator of gold with new type and no pollute
JT型锯齿波跳汰机 Sawtooth wave jig
DYTA7750、PYTA7750型液压径向跳汰机 Hydraulic radial Jig
LTP、LTA、LTC、AM型隔膜跳汰机 Dissepiment jig
BLL型玻璃钢螺旋溜槽 Glass fibre reinforced plastic spiral chute
LY型摇床 Shaking table
CGLX 离心选矿机 CGLX Centrifugal Separator
DS型圆锥选矿机 Cone separator
NJ型湿式碾金机 Wet grinding gold machine
HG型混汞筒(混汞机) Jiapigou gold concentrator machina
CGS型细砂回收装置 Fine sand recovery unit
CGQ型高压水枪 High-pressure water gun
PS型砂泵 Sand pump
IS型国际标准单级单吸清水离心泵 International standard single stage single suction centrifugal pump water
CGH型采金船 Gold ship
CGL型炼金炉 Gold-smelting furnace
No.2岩(脉)金矿选矿设备 Placer gold processing equipment
日处理100t/d-1000t/d岩金矿选矿工艺设备(岩金矿浮选—精矿氰化工艺)Rock gold mine mineral processing equipment (Gold mine-flotation-cyanidation)
日处理100t/d-300t/d金矿全泥氰化活性炭吸附设备配套 Rock gold mine mineral processing equipment mine-bulk slime cyanidation
炭浆厂设备 Char plasm equipment
解吸电解成套装置 Disorption and electrowinning set
SY型隔炭筛技术参数 Parameter of the carbon screen
TB型提炭泵技术参数 Parameter of carbon-lifting pump
KT型空气提升器技术参数 Parameter of the pneumatic lift
CGDR型电加热器技术参数 Parameter of the electrical heater
CGJ型解吸柱技术参数 Parameter of the disadsorption column
CGRJ型热交换器技术参数 Parameter of the heat exchanger
DJC型金电解槽(正、反电解)技术参数 Parameter of the electric winning well for gold extraction(direct and reverse)
CGG型管式过滤器主要技术参数 Parameter of the pipe filter
CGYC型电解液储槽技术参数 Parameter of the electrolyte tank
CGC型载金炭储槽技术参数 Parameter of the storage tank for loaded carbon
QSY型回转窑技术参数 Parameter of the Rotary kiln
氰化设备 Cyanidation equipment
SJ型双叶轮浸出槽技术参数Parameter of the Double impeller leaching and agitating tank
2NZS型二层洗涤浓密机技术参数Parameter of double-deck scrubbing thickener3NZS
三层洗涤浓密机技术参数Parameter of triple-deck scrubbing thickener
CG型管式过滤器主要技术参数Parameter of the cylindrical filter
BKC型板框净化槽技术参数Parameter of the plate-frame purification tank
LXG型螺旋锌粉给料机技术参数Parameter of the screw zinc powder feeder
DG型带式锌粉给料机技术参数 Parameter of the belt zinc powder feeder
PG型盘式锌粉给料机技术参数 Parameter of the disk zinc powder feeder
ZXH型自动锌粉混合装置技术参数 Parameter of the automatic zinc powder mixer
XNJ-15型絮凝剂添加装置技术参数Parameter of the flocculent adding device
XBJ型絮凝剂搅拌槽技术参数Parameter of the flocculent agitation tank
TY型真空脱氧塔技术参数Parameter of the decxidation column
XF型双叶轮高效节能吸附槽Double impeller adsorber
炼金设备(火法和湿法) Gold-smelting equipment(dry method and wet method)
CGYL-2型水计量槽技术参数 Parameter of water metering tank
CGYL-4金银锭铸模技术参数 Parameter of the casting mould for gold and silver ingot
CGYL-3型银阳极浇铸车技术参数 Parameter of the casting bogie with silver anode
CGYL-3型阳极浇铸车技术参数 Parameter of the casting bogie with silver anode
CGYL型银电解槽技术参数 Parameter of the silver electroninning cell
CGYC型电解液制备槽技术参数 Parameter of the electrolyte preparation vessel
CGYG-9银电解液高位槽技术参数 Parameter of the high Voltage cell of silver electrolyte
CGYD-20型银电解液低位槽技术参数 Parameter of the low voltage cell of silver electrolyte
CGYH型-21电解废液贮槽技术参数 Parameter of the sump for electrolytic waste solution
CGG型银粉过滤器技术参数 Parameter of the silver powder filter
SL1200型三足离心机技术参数 Parameter of the triple-foot centrifugal machine
CGLC型热水槽技术参数 Parameter of the hot water tank
CGS-17型水(硫酸)计量槽技术参数 Parameter of the water(vitriol) sacle tank
FXT/XST型发生塔/吸收塔技术参数 Parameter of generation/absorption colum
ZHT-6型中和塔技术参数 Parameter of the neutrality column
CGP-12型电解物料干燥盘技术参数 Parameter of the drying plate for electrowinning material
CGD(S)-0.4型低位储液槽技术参数 Parameter of the liquid-storage tank of low position
CGG(S)-0.64型高位储液槽技术参数 Parameter of the liquid-storage tank of high position
TH型钛反应釜技术参数 Parameter of the titanium reaction kettle
THC型搪瓷反应釜技术参数 Parameter of the vitreous enamel reaction kettle
SC型酸洗槽技术参数 arameter of the acid washing tank
CGJM型锥形合金浇铸模技术参数 Parameter of casting mould for cone-shape alloy
CGZP-6型渣盘技术参数 Parameter of the calcine plate
Mining Machinery
No.1 给料设备 Feeding equipments
ZSW型振动给料机 Linear virating feeder
BW型板式给料机 Apron feeder
GBQ型轻型板式给料机 Light-duty slat feeder
GBH型中型板式给料机 Middle-duty slat feeder
GBZ型重型板式给料机 Heaty-duty slat feeder
GZ型电磁振动给料机 Elector-magnetic vibrating feeder
GZG型惯性振动给料机 Vibratory feeder for motor
TDG型调速定量给料机 Speed Governing Constant Weight Feeder
No.2 输送设备 Transportation equipments
DTⅡ型固定带式输送机 Fixed belt conveyor
DT75型固定带式输送机 Fixed belt conveyor
DSP、DSJ、SD、SJ型水平可伸缩带式输送机 Extensible Belt conveyor
SSD、SDP型可伸缩带式输送机 Extensible Belt conveyor
SSJ、DSJ型大运量长距离可伸缩带式输送机 Extensible Belt conveyor
DXK、DTL、STJ型固定带式输送机 Fixed belt conveyor
DTL、STJ型上运固定带式输送机 Upwards conveying belt conveyor
SGB、SGZ、SGD、XGZ型刮板输送机 Apron conveyor
GLS、LSY型高效螺旋输送机 Screw conveyor
NSE型板链高速斗式提升机 High-efficeency chain slat bucket elevator
NE型板链高效斗式提升机 High-efficeency chain slat bucket elevator
TDG型钢丝绳胶带高效斗式提升机 High-efficeency belt bucket elevator
THG型环链高效斗提机 High-efficeency chain bucket elevator
HL型圆环链斗式提升机 Chain bucket elevator
TB型板链斗式提升机 Chain slat bucket elevator
D型胶带斗式提升机 Belt bucket elevator
PL型平板链斗式提升机 Chain slat bucket elevator
T型脱水斗式提升机 Dewatering bucket elevator
L型捞坑斗式提升机 Dreding bucket elevator
TD型胶带斗式提升机 Belt bucket elevator
TZD型重力胶带斗式提升机 Heavy belt bucket elevator
TB型板式斗式提升机 Slat bucket elevator
N-TGD型钢丝胶带高效斗式提升机 High-efficeency belt bucket elevator
No.3 粉碎设备 Crushing equipments
PE、PEX型颚式破碎机 Coarse jaw crusher
PYB、PYD、PYZ型弹簧圆锥破碎 Spring cone crusher
PYS-B型西蒙斯标准型圆锥破碎机 Std. cone crusher
PYS-D型西蒙斯短头型圆锥破碎机 Specifications of cone crusher
PFY硬岩反击式破碎机 Impact crusher for hard rock
2PG型双辊破碎机 Double-roll crusher
PP型旋盘式(E.Fine)破碎机 Gyrator disc(E.Fine) crusher
PL型立式冲击破碎机 Vertical impact crusher
高压辊磨机 High-pressure Grinding Roller
轮胎式移动破碎站 Rubber-tired Mobile Crusher
颚式破碎机系列 Jaw Crusher Series
Y3S型圆锥破碎机系列 Cone Crusher Series
No.4 堆取设备 Screening equipments
YG型圆形料场混匀堆取料机 Circular Stockyard Blending Stacker-Reclaimer
DX、DB型长形料场混匀堆取料机 Rectangular Stockyard Blending Stacker-reclaimer
QG型桥式刮板取料机 Bridge-type Scrapper Reclaimer
QGC型侧式刮板取料机 Side-type Scrapper Reclaimer
QGM型门式刮板取料机 Portal-type Scrapper Reclaimer
HQL型桥式斗轮取料机 Bridge-type Bucket Wheel Reclaimer
DQL型臂式斗轮堆取料机 Boom-type Bucket Wheel Stacker-reclaimer
YGC、YGMC型顶堆侧取圆形料场堆取料机 Top-stacking Side-drawing Circular Stockyard Stacker-reclaimer
No.5 筛分设备 Screening equipments
YA、YK型圆振动筛 Circular vibrating screen
3YK、3YKR、3YZ、3YA型三层圆振动筛 Triple-deck circular vibrating screen
ZK型块偏心自同步直线筛 Block-eccentric and self-synchroniz ation type horizontal screens
ZD型单轴矿用振动筛 Single shaft vibrating screen
No.6 洗矿、分级设备 Ore washer classifying equipments
2RXL型双螺旋洗矿机 Two spiral sand and gravel washer
RXT型圆筒洗矿机 Drum sand and gravel washer
RXLK型螺旋洗砂机 Serew wash-sand machine
GXS型轮斗式高效洗砂机 High-efficicncy wash-sand
CGS型细砂回收装置 Fine sand recovery unit
FG、FC型螺旋分级机 Spiral classifier
高堰式单螺旋分级机 High-weir single spiral classifier
高堰式双螺旋分级机 High-weir double spirals classifier
沉没式单螺旋分级机 Submerged single spiral classifier
沉没式双螺旋分级机 Submerged double spiral classifier
FX型克莱布斯水力旋流器 Hydrocycolone
No.7 磨矿设备 Milling equipments
MQZ型节能轴承式边缘传动格子型球磨机 Wet grate roling bearing energy ball mill
MQYZ型节能溢流型轴承传动球磨机 Overflow ball mill
MQG型干式格子型球磨机 Grate ball mill
MBZ型湿式棒磨机 Wet rod mill
ZQM型圆锥球磨机 Wet cone ball mill
No.8 搅拌调浆设备 Agitation equipments
XB型矿用搅拌槽 Agitating tank
XBT提升式搅拌槽 Lifting agitating tank
XBN高浓度搅拌槽 High concentration agitation tank
XBG高效搅拌槽 High efficiency agitation tank
RJ、RJW新式搅拌槽 Agitating tank
CK型高效搅拌槽 High efficiency agitation tank
No.9 浮选设备 Floatation equipments
XJ、SF型自吸气机械搅拌式浮选机 Mechanical agitating flotation machine with auto air suction
BF型自吸气机械搅拌式浮选机 Mechanical agitating flotation machine with auto air suction
XCF/KYF型充气机械搅拌式浮选机组 Mechanical agitating aeration flotation machine set
PLC-7000浮选机全自动控制系统 Flotation Machine Fully Automatic Control System
JJF型自吸气机械搅拌式浮选机 Mechanical agitating flotation machine with auto air suction
BS-K型充气机械搅拌式浮选机 Mechanical agitating aeration flotation machine
GF型粗颗粒浮选机 Mechanical agitating flotation machine
CLF、XJC型粗颗粒浮选机 Mechanical agitating flotation machine
XJM-S型煤用充气机械搅拌式浮选机 Mechaanical agitating aeration flotation machine for coal
FXZ浮选柱 Flotation colum
No.10 磁电选设备 Magnetic equipments
CTB、CTN、CTS型单筒湿式永磁筒式磁选机 Wet permanent magnetic drum separator
CTB型单筒湿式半逆流永磁转筒磁选机 Wet permanent magnetic drum separator for semi-backflow tan
CTN型单筒湿式逆流永磁转筒磁选机 Wet permanent magnetic drum separator backflow
CTS型单筒湿式顺流永磁转筒磁选机 Magnetic wet drum separator for concurrent flow
2CTB、2CTN、2CTS型双筒湿式永磁筒式磁选机 Wet permanent magnetic double drum separator
2CTB型双筒湿式半逆流永磁转筒磁选机 Wet permanent magnetic double drum separator for semi-backflow tan
2CTN型双筒湿式逆流永磁转筒磁选机 Wet permanent magnetic double drum separator backflow
2CTS型双筒湿式顺流永磁转筒磁选机 Magnetic wet double drum separator for concurrent flow
CTG型干式单筒永磁筒式磁选机 Magnetic dry drum separator
2CTG型干式双筒永磁筒式磁选机 Magnetic dry double drum separator
CS型永磁脱水槽 Magnetic dewatering tank
XDF、DJX型高压电选机 High roltage electrostatic separators
3PC型盘式强磁选机 Disk intensified magnetic separator
CXJ型全自动淘洗磁选机 Fully Automatic Elutriation Magnetic Separator
CXZ型智能型磁选柱 Intelligent Magnetic Separation Column
CGSL型立环脉动高梯度磁选机 Vertical Ring and Pulsating High Gradient Magnetic Separator
CGSL型干式振动高梯度磁选机 Dry Vibratory High Gradient Magnetic Separator
CGR型稀土永磁辊式强磁磁选机 Rare Earth Roll-type magnetic separator
CGD型高压电选机 Hingh voltage electrostatic separator
CGT型钛矿专用磁选机 Titanium Special Separator
No.11 重选设备 Gravity separation equipments
JT型锯齿波跳汰机 Sawtooth wave jig
DYTA7750、PYTA7750型液压径向跳汰机 Hydraulic radial Jig
LTP、LTA、LTC、AM型隔膜跳汰机 Dissepiment jig
LTP型旁动隔膜跳汰机 Rectangle compartment side way action type jig
LTA型下动圆锥隔膜跳汰机 Below pulsating jig
LTC型侧动隔膜跳汰机 Side way action type jig
AM-30型粗颗粒跳汰机 Coarse Side way action type jig
BLL型玻璃钢螺旋溜槽 Glass fibre reinforced plastic spiral chute
LY型摇床 Shaking table
CGLX离心选矿机 Centrifugal Separator
DS型圆锥选矿机 Cone separator
No.12 浓缩设备 Thickening equipments
NZSG型高效化改造浓密机 Updated high-efficiency thickener
NZS、NZF、NZY、NZ型中心传动式浓缩机 Center driving thickener
NZS型手动提升中心传动式浓缩机 Center driving thickener with hand lifting
NZ型自动提升中心传动浓缩机 Center driving thickener with auto-lifting
NZY型液压提升中心传动浓缩机 Center driving thickener with hydraulic lifting
NZF型带倾斜板中心传动式浓缩机 Center driving thickener
NZ、TNZ型多层浓密机 Multi-deck scrubbing thickener
2NZ、2TNZ型二层浓密机 Double-deck scrubbing thickener
3NZ、3TNZ型三层浓密机 Triple-deck scrubbing thickener
GX型高效中心传动浓缩机 High-effiency thickener series
NJG型高效浓缩机 High-effiency thickener series
NXZ型液压提升高效浓缩机 High-effciency thickener with hydro-lifting
No.13 过滤脱水设备 Filtration equipments
GYW、GW型外滤筒式真空过滤机 Outside filtering drum permanent magnetic filter
GYW永磁筒式过滤机 Outside filtering drum permanent magnetic filter
GW型筒型外滤式真空过滤机 Outside filtering surface drum filters
真空过滤机辅助设备配套 Filtration equipmiment
CPF型带式压滤机 Belt pressure filter
PBF型水平真空带式过滤机 Horizontal Vacuum Belt Filter
TCG型陶瓷真空过滤机 Ceramic disc-type filter
GPZ型重型盘式真空过滤机 Ceramic disc-type filter
XMZ、XMZQ型全自动压滤机 Automatic filter press
XMZG型隔膜自动压滤机 Diaphragm automatic filter press
TLL-A型立式刮刀卸料离心脱水机 Vertical Scraper Discharge Centrifugal Dehydrator
LLL型立式煤泥离心脱水机 Vertical Coal Slime Centrifugal Dehydrator
No.14 烧结球团设备 Sintering and palletizing equipment
PGC-S型单齿辊破碎机 Single-tooth Rolling Crusher
PGG1200×1000型四辊破碎机 Four Roll Crusher
SKMQR型润磨机 Damp Mill
圆盘造球机 Disc Balling Machine
SKYHC型圆筒混合机 Drum Mixer
SKBS型梭式布料机 Shuttle Material Distribution Machine
SKSH型带式烧结机 Straight-line Sintering Machine
链篦机 Chain Grate
冶金回转窑 Metallurgical Rotary Kiln
SKHLQ型球团环冷机 Pelletizing Annular Cooler
No.15 钻探设备 Drilling equipments
XY-1B岩芯钻机 Core drilling rig
XY-1A岩芯钻机 Core drilling rig
GK-400工勘钻机 Drilling rig
XY-1型钻机 Core drilling rig
No.16 水泥设备 Cement equipments
PCY-S型段锤式破碎机 Stage Hammer Crusher
MLS型立式辊磨机 Vertical Roller Mill
MLK型立式辊磨机 Vertical Roller Mill
2MGG型管磨机 Tube Mill
高压辊磨机 High Pressure Roller Mill
原料磨 Raw Material Grinding Mill
湿法原料磨技术参数 Technical parameters of wet grinding of raw materials
干法原料磨技术参数 Technical parameters of dry grinding of raw materials
烘干原料磨技术参数 Technical parameters of the raw mill drying
高细矿渣磨技术参数 Technical parameters by fine slag mill
水泥磨 Cement Grinding Mill
风扫煤磨 Air-swept Coal Mill
NHH回转烘干机 Rotary Dryer
回转烘干机 Rotary Dryer
水泥回转窑 Rotary Cement Kiln
篦式冷却机 Grate Cooler
单筒冷却机 Single Drum Cooler
VLJ型盘塔式机械立窑 Mechanical Tower Shaft Kiln
No.17 采掘设备 Mining equipments
PB型耙斗装岩机 Scraper ramp has
YT型、YSP型中浅孔凿岩机 Rock drill
YG型、YQ型中深孔及深孔凿岩机 Rock drill
Z型电动装岩机 Electric loader
Z-30型电动装岩机 Electric loader
Z-20W型无稳绳电动装岩机 Non-explosive-proof electric loader
KC型侧卸式曲轨矿车 Single side ramp grandy mine cars
MGC、YGC型固定车箱式窄轨矿车 Bottom type narrow gauge mine car
JT型提升绞车 Mine winder
JK型矿井提升机 Construction winch
JPB型耙矿绞车 Scraprer winches
JZ型凿井绞车 Scrarer ramp series
JH型回柱绞车 Mine winch
WK-4型正铲挖掘机 Forward Excavator
XCG953II轮式装载机 Loader XCG953II
XCG958型轮式装载机 Loader XCG958
XCG962型轮式装载机 Loader XCG962
XCG822LC履带式挖掘机 Excavator XCG822LC
XCG805LII型轮式挖掘机 Excavator XCG805LII
CGY-1型野外工作活动房 Field work room apply
化验试验设备概览图 Testing laboratory equipment overview map
黄金等选矿设备概览图 Gold ore processing equipment overview map
日处理100 t/d砂金选矿工艺设备流程图 Placer gold equipment with the capcity of 100t/d for extraction and technics flow chart
日处理1000 t/d砂金选矿工艺设备流程图 Placer gold equipment with the capcity of 1000t/d for extraction and technics flow chart
日处理2000 t/d砂金选矿工艺设备流程图 Placer gold equipment with the capcity of 2000t/d for extraction and technics flow chart
日处理3000t/d砂金选矿工艺设备流程图 Placer gold equipment with the capcity of 3000t/d for extraction and technics flow chart
日处理5000 t/d砂金选矿工艺设备流程图 Placer gold equipment with the capcity of 5000t/d for extraction and technics flow chart
日处理50t岩金矿重选工艺设备流程图 Ore gold equipment with the capcity of 100t/d for extraction and technics flow chart
日处理100t/d岩金矿工艺设备流程图 Ore gold equipment with the capcity of 100t/d for extraction and technics flow chart
日处理300t岩金矿重选工艺设备流程图 Ore gold equipment with the capcity of 300t/d for extraction and technics flow chart
日处理500t岩金矿工艺设备流程图 Ore gold equipment with the capcity of 500t/d for extraction and technics flow chart
日处理1000t/d吨岩金矿(炭浆)工艺设备流程图 Ore gold equipment with the capcity of 1000t/d for extraction and technics flow chart
日处理5000t/d赤铁矿工艺设备流程图 Hematite equipment with the capcity of 5000t/d for extraction and technics flow chart
日处理10000t/d海滨铁砂矿(原矿)选矿工艺设备流程图 Daily processing 10000t / d of iron ore (ore) mineral processing technology and equipment flow chart
日处理1000t/d铬砂矿选矿工艺设备流程图 Chrome ore equipment with the capcity of 100t/d for extraction and technics flow chart
日处理100t/d铜矿选矿工艺设备流程图 Copper equipment with the capcity of 100t/d for extraction and technics flow chart
日产500 t/d-4000 t/d石料破碎筛分成套设备 Nissan 500 t/d-4000 t / d of stone crushing and screening equipment
试验室磨矿浮选流程连续试验设备 Laboratory continuous grinding and flotation process flow test equipment
试验室设备工艺设备流程图 Laboratory equipment extraction and technics flow chart
Laboratory Equipment
No.1试验室岩芯劈样、切片、磨片等设备 Testing laboratory core splitting,slicing and lapping equipment
岩芯劈开机、切割机技术参数 Technical Parameter of core splitting machine and core cutting machine
SPQJ型切片机技术参数 Technical Parameter of core slicing machine
磨片机、抛光机技术参数 Technical ParameterLapping machine and polishing machine
试验室XQ-5型嵌样机技术参数 Technical Parameter of laboratory Embedding sample machine
No.2试验室破碎设备 Testing laboratory crushing equipment
试验室XPC型密封式颚式破碎机技术参数 Technical Parameter of laboratory sealed jaw crushers
试验室XPW-60×100型无污染鄂式碎碎机技术参数 Technical Parameter of laboratory sealed jaw crushers
试验室XPC密封式对辊破碎机技术参数 Technical Parameter of laboratory sealed double-roll crushers
试验室MPG型密封式对辊破碎机技术参数 Technical Parameter of laboratory sealed double-roll crushers
试验室密封式XPF圆盘粉碎机、立式环保粉碎机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Sealed Disk Crusher and Vertical Pulverizer
试验室PCF型密封式锤式破碎机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Sealed Hammer Crusher
No.3试验室制样化验设备 Testing laboratory sampling facilities and laboratory device
试验室CGJ型密封式化验制样粉碎机技术参数 Technical Parameter of Laboratory Sealed Sampling Crusher
试验室XZM-100型振动磨样机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory Vibration mill prototype
试验室CGP型破碎缩分制样机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Crushing Splitter
试验室FX3-8封闭试样自动缩分器技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory type of enclosed automatic sample splitting
试验室XSHF2-3Ⅱ新型湿式分样机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Wet Splitter
试验室CGF型二分器技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory and Riffle
试验室XH型三维混料机技术参数 Technical Parameter of laboratory XH type three-dimensional mixing machine
No.4试验室筛分、分级设备 Testing laboratory screening and classifying equipment
试验室筛分、标准筛技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory screen and standard screen
试验室SDB200型顶击式振筛机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory top bump screen
试验室SPB200拍击式振筛机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory Beating standard screen
试验室ISO-0805型鼓前摇筛技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory ISO -0805 Before Drum Shaking Screen
试验室ISO-0805型鼓后摇筛技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory ISO -0805 After Drum Shaking Screen
试验室XSZ73(600×300)型单双层振筛机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory Single or double Screen
试验室YZS-Φ600型旋振筛技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory vibrating screen
试验室XCS、SXLQ型水力旋流器技术参数 Technical Parameter of Laboratory hydro-cyclones
试验室FG型单螺旋分级机技术参数 Technical Parameter of Laboratory Single spiral classifier
试验室2FX150×1200型双螺旋洗矿机技术参数 Technical Parameter of Laboratory Single spiral classifier
No.5试验室磨矿设备 Testing laboratory milling equipment
试验室ZJM-1000型周期式搅拌球磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Cycle agitating mill
试验室ZJM型搅拌球磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Cycle agitating mill
试验室CGMB型循环立式搅拌球磨机技术参数 Technical Parameter of Laboratory cyclic vertical agitating mill
试验室XMB型三辊四筒棒磨机技术参数 Technical Parameter of laboratory Rod mill of triple-rollers and four-drums mill
试验室XPM-Φ120×3型三头研磨机技术参数 Technical Parameter of laboratory triple sers mill
试验室XMQL420×450格子型球磨机技术参数 Technical Parameter of Laboratory Grate Mill
试验室XMBL-Φ420×600溢流式连续棒磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Overflow-type continuous rod mill
试验室XMGQ型功指数球磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Work Index Ball Mill
试验室XMQL型密封式连续带筛球(棒)磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Sealed Ball(rod)Mill with Screen
试验室XMQS、XMBS密封式真空带筛球(棒)磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Sealed Ball (rod)Mill with Screen
试验室XMB型四辊五十筒棒磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory XMB Four-roller and Fifty-drum Rod Mill
试验室XMB240×300型球(棒)磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Ball (rod) Mill
试验室XMB(Q)-Φ600×1200型球(棒)磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Ball (Rod) Mill
试验室XMQ240×90型锥形球(棒)磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Cone Ball (Rod) Mill
试验室XMCQ-Ф280×290瓷衬球(棒)磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory Ceramic lined Ball (Rod) mill
试验室XPM-Ф100×4行星四筒研磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory XPM four-drums ball mill
试验室ZM-T型振动磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory Vibration mill prototype
试验室CGZM型智能液晶显示振动磨样机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory Intelligent LCD prototype vibration mill
试验室XMQQ-Ф460×600型智能液晶显示筒形球(棒)磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory Intelligent LCD tubular Ball (Rod) mill
实验室GQM型辊筒式球磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory rollers drums Ball Mill
试验室XQM-T4型行星球磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory four-drums ball mill
试验室CGQM型智能液晶显示锥形球磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Intelligent LCD conical mill
试验室CGBM型智能液晶显示锥形球(棒)磨机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Intelligent LCD tapered Ball (Rod) mill
No.6试验室搅拌、浮选设备 Testing laboratory agitation and floatation equipment
试验室XJT、XDT调浆桶、搅拌槽技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Slurry Conditioning Drum and Agitating and Leaching Tanks
试验室XJT型浸出搅拌机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Leaching-out Tanks
试验室XFD新型单槽浮选机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory Single Flotation Cell
试验室XFG型挂槽浮选机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory Hanging Cell Flotation Machines
试验室XFGCⅡ新型充气挂槽浮选机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory Model Aeration Hanging Cell Flotation Machine
试验室XFDM、XFD12型多槽选机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory Model Multi-cell Flotation Machine
试验室FJ型多能浮选机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory Multi-energy flotation machine
试验室FX型机械搅拌式连续浮选机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory Model Mechanical Agitated Continuous Flotation Machine
试验室XFLB型闭路连续浮选机技术参数 Technical Parameters of laboratory Miniature Continuous Flotation Machine
试验室CGZH型浮选柱技术参数 Laboratory flotation column technology parameters
No.7试验室磁电选设备 Testing laboratory magnetic equipment and electric sorter
试验室XCQS-Ф50型磁选管技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Magnetic Tube
试验室XCRS400×300型鼓形湿法弱磁场磁选机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Drum Wet Low-intensity Magnetic Separator
试验室XCSQ50×70湿法强磁选机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Wet Strong-intensity Magnetic Separator
试验室XCQG120型辊式干法磁选机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Roll Dry Magnetic Separator
试验室3PC-600型盘式强磁选机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Disk Intensified Magnetic Separator
试验室CT型脱磁器技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Demagnetizer
试验室XDF-Φ250×200型高压电选机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory XDF High Voltage Electrostatic Separator
试验室CGSL-100型周期式脉动高梯度磁选机 CGSL-100 Cyclic high gradient magnetic separator
试验室CGSL型立环脉动高梯度磁选机技术参数 Vertical ring pulsation high gradient electromagnetic separator
试验室XCTS-Ф300型磁力脱水槽技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Magnetic Dewatering Tank
试验室CGZ型磁选柱技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Separation Column
No.8试验室重选设备 Testing laboratory gravity separation equipment
试验室LY型摇床技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory LY Shaking Table
试验室XCT型隔膜式跳汰机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory XCT Diaphragm Jig
试验室LTP、LTA型隔膜跳汰机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Dissepiment jig
试验室BLL型玻璃钢螺旋溜槽技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Spiral Chute
试验室LX400×300型离心选矿机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Centrifugal Separator
试验室XLL-600型螺旋选矿机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Spiral concentrator
No.9试验室砂泵、脱水设备 Testing laboratory sand pump and dewatering device
试验室XBSL型立式砂泵技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Vertical Sand Pump
试验室2X型系列旋片式真空泵技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Series Rotary-vane Vacuum Pump
试验室2XZ型系列旋片式真空泵技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Series Rotary-vane Vacuum Pump
试验室XB19、QBGⅡ型胶管泵技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Hose Pumps
试验室YB型微量给药泵技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Micro-dose pump
试验室DL-5C(Φ240-Φ120)型盘式真空过滤机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Disk Vacuum Filters
试验室XTLZ(Φ260-Φ200)型盘式真空过滤机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Disk Vacuum Filters
试验室XMQ型手动板框压滤机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Plate and Frame Filter Press
试验室NSL-66型浓缩机技术参数 Technical Parameter of Laboratory Thickening Equipment
试验室NZS型中心传动式耙式浓缩机技术参数 Technical Parameter of Laboratory Center driving Thickening Equipment
No.10试验室给料设备 Testing laboratory feeding equipment
试验室GZ-1型振动给料机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Vibrating Feeder
试验室CGY-A型数控给料机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Digital Control Feeder
No.11试验室烘干、窑炉设备 Testing laboratory drying equipment,kiln and electric furnace equipment
试验室101、202型电热恒温干燥箱技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Electric Thermostatic Drier
试验室DH型大型电热鼓风干燥箱技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Electric Thermostatic Drier
试验室SK2型管式电阻炉技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Tubular Electric Resistance Furnace
试验室SX2型箱式电炉(马弗炉)技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Box Electric Furnace
试验室DZ型电热蒸馏器技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Electrothermal Distillatory
试验室DZKW-4型电热恒温水浴锅技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Thermostatic Water Bath
试验室SC404型电热板技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Electric Hot Plate
No.12试验室取样、测控仪器 Testing laboratory sampling facilities and measurement and control instruments
试验室GQ型全自动管式取样机技术参数 Parameter of Laboratory full antomatic pipe sampler
试验室CGQ-1、CGQ-2型便携式刻槽取样机技术参数 Parameter of Laboratory portable sampling groove machine
试验室NJ2型粘结指数测定仪技术参数 Technical of Laboratory Parameters Coking Index Determinator
试验室CGCH-II型快速自动测氢仪技术参数 Technical Parameters Quick Automatic Oxygen Determinator
试验室CGSC型微机自动水分测定仪技术参数 Technical of Laboratory Parameters of Automatic Moisture Determinator Microcomputer
试验室CGCL300型全自动汉字测硫仪技术参数 Technical of Laboratory Parameters Automatic Chinese Character Sulfur Determinator
试验室CGHL型智能汉字量热仪技术参数 Technical of Laboratory Parameters Intelligent Chinese Character calorimetry Instrument
试验室HR-3型微机灰熔点测定仪技术参数 Technical of Laboratory Parameters Microcomputer Ash Melting Point Device
试验室CGKW型智能微电脑控温仪技术参数 Technical of Laboratory Parameters ntelligent Microcomputer Temperature Control Instrument
试验室CGSW型微电脑时温程控仪技术参数 Technical of Laboratory Parameters Microcomputer Time-temperature Programmable Apparatus
试验室CGA2610型原子吸收分光光度计技术参数 Technical of Laboratory Parameters Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
试验室CGBS6E型智能多元素分析仪技术参数 Technical of Laboratory Parameter of Intelligent multi-element analyzer
No.13试验室化验设备 Testing laboratory laboratory device
试验室NDC2型浓度计技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Concentration meter
试验室AU-SGM型精密比重计技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Precision ratio
试验室UX型电子托盘天平技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory E-tray balance
试验室AUY型分析天平技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Analytical Balance
试验室SHA-B型水浴恒温振荡器技术参数 Technical Parameters of Water-bathing Constant Temperature Vibrator Model SHA-B for Laboratory
试验室RCT型混合/磁力搅拌器(安全型)技术参数 Technical Parameters of Mixing/Magnetic Stirrer (Safety) Model RCT for Laboratory
试验室CGAK型磁力搅拌器技术参数Technical Parameters of Magnetic Stirrer Model CGAK for Laboratory
No.14试验室金矿设备 Testing laboratory gold device
试验室LXW型卧式离心选金机技术参数 Technical Parameters of Horizontal Centrifugal Gold Washing Machine Model LXW for Laboratory
CGФ170-Ф200型锌粉给料机技术参数 Technical Parameters Zinc Powder Feeder
试验室SJ型预氧化—氰化槽技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Smart cyanide oxidation tank
JC型载金炭解析—电解装置技术参数 Technical Parameter of Disorption electrowinning set
试验室高温高压无氰解吸电解装置 Laboratory Cyanide-free high temperature and pressure stripping device
试验室SHY-I型回转窑技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Rotary Kiln
试验室QSY型解析炭再生回转窑技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Analytical Carbon Regeneration Rotary Kiln
试验室XYF-φ44×6型高压釜技术参数 Technical Parameters of Laboratory Autoclave
JGS型金刚石分选机技术参数 Technical Parameter Diamond shape selected machine
XX-2000型金刚石选形机技术参数 Technical Parameter Diamond shape selected machine
No.15试验室公路、建筑检测设备 Testing laboratory Road Construct test
试验室CGS-1.5型砂浆渗透仪技术参数 Laboratory parameters mortar permeability technical
试验室CGHS-4型数显混凝土渗透仪技术参数 Laboratory parameters digital concrete permeability
试验室CGZH -80型混凝土振动台技术参数 Laboratory parameters concrete vibration table
试验室CGZ-20型混凝土钻孔取样机技术参数 Laboratory parameters concrete drill sampling machine
试验室CGSQ型自动切石机技术参数 Laboratory parameters automatic cutting stone machine
试验室CGSM-200型自动双端面磨石机技术参数 Laboratory parameters automatic double-end terrazzo
试验室CGHB-500型混凝土徐变试验机技术参数 Laboratory parameters Creep Test Machine
试验室CGHZ型混凝土震动台技术参数 Laboratory parameters Concrete vibration platform
试验室CGMH型自动数显搁板式磨耗试验机技术参数 Laboratory parameters Automatic digital shelf type wear testing machine
试验室CGJZ型强制式单卧轴混凝土搅拌机技术参数 Laboratory parameters Single horizontal shaft forced concrete mixer
Parameter of the liquid-storage tank of low position
型号 Model
备注 Remark
硬聚氯乙烯 Rigid pve
地址:厦门市思明区湖滨东路二号华星大厦5H 电话:0592-5803782 传真:0592-5868356
手机:13606934999 联系人:陈工 E-mail: