Laboratory parameters automatic double-end terrazzo
I. Overview
CGSM-200 型双端面磨平机,双面磨平机,是各类矿石、混凝土等非金属固体进行力学测试的标准样本制作的主要设备。该机与本厂生产的取芯机、切割机配套工作,即可为您加工出您所需要的高精密的立方体或圆柱体测试样本。适用于大专院校水利水电、地质矿产、交通、建筑等部门。
Double-end grinding machine (double-face grinding machine) model CGSM-200 is the major equipment for standard sample preparation for mechanical testing of non-metallic solids such as ores and concretes etc. Used with coring machine and cutting machine produced by our factory, this equipment is capable of producing required high-accuracy cubic or cylinder-shaped test samples. This grinding machine is a good choice for sectors like universities and colleges, water conservancy and hydropower, geological minerals, communication and construction etc.
This equipment composed of base frame, rotary cutter head, transmission system and electric control gear etc. is easy to operate and features stable automatic feeding performance.
二、 双端面磨平机,双面磨平机 主要技术指标
II. Main Technical Parameters of Double-end Grinding Machine (Double-face Grinding Machine)
1、工作台电机功率0.55KW, 转速1500rpm
1. Work bench motor power 0.55KW, speed 1500rpm
2、磨削动力1.1KW×2 台,转速2750 rpm
2. Grinding power 1.1KW×2, speed 2750 rpm
3. Grinding wheel diameter: Φ200mm
4. Size of grindable sample: (normal ex-factory configuration for fixture 50-100mm)
(1)方块 50×50×50~150×150×150mm
(1) Cubic 50×50×50~150×150×150mm
(2) Cylinder Φ50~Φ150mm
5. Test sample precision:
(1)平行度:50mm范围不超过+0.10 mm ,
(1) Parallelism:≤+0.10 mm within the range of 50mm
(2) Finish: as per machining roughness standard Ra3.2.
6. Feed amount for auto grinding: 0.04~0.17
7. Cooling device: running water cooled
三、 工作原理
III. Working Principle
1. Mechanical Part
双端面磨平机,双面磨平机 工作台的往复由电机带动变速箱,输出慢速带动丝杆工作,作逆旋转,丝杆螺母固定在工作台下面,从而带动工作台作往复移动。
The motor drives the transmission to output low speed to drive the screw rod to work in reverse rotation. In this way, the to-and-fro movement of work bench of double-end grinding machine (double-face grinding machine) is realized. Screw rod nuts are fixed under work bench to drive the bench move back and forth.
This machine uses dedicated diamond grinding wheel directly mounted the two special-purpose motors that are respectively driven by the two horizontal bench, manually or automatically. In auto mode, the handle shall be pushed forward. In case of manual mode, the handle shall be drawn back. Every round of screw rod is 3mm.
Before leaving the factory, the sample fixture and two grinding wheels of work bench has been carefully debugged so as to ensure that the perpendicularity and parallelism of processed sample. Cubic samples with two parallel surfaces and six faces need only three times of grinding. For each grinding, the sample shall be accurately positioned. Only in this way, can the processed sample meet the requirements.
2. Electric section
See electrical principle diagram for electric control
The buttons of double-end grinding machine (double-face grinding machine) are respectively mounted on the two power heads for convenient operation. Since water cooling may cause water splash, this equipment uses 36V safety voltage. This machine must be reliably grounded as the power supply voltage for motor is 308V; otherwise, safety accidents may occur. The power supply connection shall not be reverse since this may cause damage to the machine.
IV. Installation and Debugging
Before the installation and operation of double-end grinding machine (double-face grinding machine), the details about installation, debugging and operation stated in instruction manual must be understood in detail.
(1) This machine had better be installed on casted foundation. The ground must be flat and firm. The mechanical bolts shall be properly fastened to avoid vibration during operation.
(2) Upon the completion of installation, wash the anti-rust materials at each part of machine and apply machinery lubricating oil to lubrication surfaces and guide rail. And then rotate the hand wheel and grinding disk to check if the rotation is normal.
(3) Connect the running water source.
(4) Check if there is looseness of control element, fuse and connection in circuit.
(5) The machine must be reliably grounded. The power supply shall not be connected unless the inspection showed no defect.
(6) Turn on power button, press the grinding wheel button, and then press the stop button immediately. Check if the rotation of grinding wheel is in the direction of arrow. Reverse rotation is strictly prohibited.
(7) Press the work bench button, and the bench will move back and forth.
(8) Push the manual and automatic handle at the side of power head to check if the action is flexible. If the movement is not smooth, user shall apply lubricating oil to sliding part and push again. The impact blocks at both sides of work bench are used to adjust auto feeding amount of grinding wheel. The feed amount shall be adjusted according to the hardness of test sample. The maximum range of adjustment shall not exceed two bars. At delivery, the automatic feeding amount of grinding head is one bar per time.
(9) When opening the water switch on work bench fixture, there shall be cooling water spraying out and the flow shall be sufficient.
V. Operation Method
(1) Hold the sample symmetrically on both sides and get it close to fixture.
(2) Draw back the two grinding heads until the test sample is not in contact with grinding wheel during the movement of work bench.
(3) Mount the protective cover and turn on water source switch.
(4) Turn on the main switch.
(5) Turn on grinding head button to enable the head to rotate in the direction of arrow. Reverse rotation is strictly prohibited.
(6) Press the work bench button.
(7) Feed the grinding head manually for grinding. In case auto mode is needed, users need only to push the grinding head to auto position for respective grinding by the two grinding heads. After the grinding work is completed, push the handle to manual position and grind for several times back and forth to assure the finish of sample.
(8) Draw back the grinding head after grinding work is completed.
VI. Notice
For each sample clamping, the fixture and sample surfaces shall be cleaned, or residual substance may cause reduction of grinding accuracy. The positioning shall be accurate.
Manual feeding at will is not allowable during automatic grinding in order to protect the grinding wheel and equipment against damage. Manual feeding is only applicable to manual mode.
(3) Upon the completion of automatic grinding, the work bench shall be stopped before the grinding head.
(4) Check from time to time if the coolant flow is sufficient during grinding, since the shortage of cooling water will accelerate the damage to diamond-impregnated wheel.
(5) Do not knock the diamond-impregnated wheel since this may influence its service life. In order to ensure high-efficiency grinding, new grinding wheel must be edged with ordinary corundum wheel.
(6) In case of any exceptional sound during grinding, the machine must be stopped immediately for inspection.
(7) For each time of operation, lubricating oil shall be applied to reciprocating work bench, guide rail of grinding head and its lubrication part.
(8) For the initial operation, the reduction gearbox shall be filled with sufficient machine oil. Operators shall take notice of safety as the grinding wheel rotates at a high speed and the work bench moves back and forth.
(9) Diamond-impregnated wheel is a wear part. Do not touch it. Replacement shall be made in case of damage or wear.
(10) Pay attention to nut direction when mounting and removing the grinding wheel. Be sure to tighten the nuts after installation so as to avoid accidents.
(12)、每次开机 一定要检查磨轮是否碰撞到工件或夹具以及其它部分,要仔细检查无误后方可启动机器。
(12) Check if the grinding wheel is in contact with work piece, fixture or other part before the startup. The machine shall not be started unless the inspection shows no abnormality.
(13) Slight shaking that occurs during the direction change at both ends of work bench is normal. Please don’t worry.
(14) The parallelism and perpendicularity of fixture and grinding wheel shall be calibrated on a regular basis.
(15) Once the reduction of sample accuracy is detected, the parallelism and perpendicularity of fixture and grinding wheel shall be corrected in a timely way.
(16) Absence-phase operation of motor is not allowable since this may cause damage to motor.
VII. Maintenance
(1) Upon the completion of operation of double-end grinding machine (double-face grinding machine), the residual slag and water stains shall be removed from work bench. The grinding head feeding work bench shall be wiped up and filled with machine oil. Lubricating oil shall be applied to both ends of lower guide rail of reciprocating bench. After a period of operation, lubricating oil shall be applied to the space between screw rod and nut and to clutch assembly so as to prevent rusting.
(2) The guide rail of grinding head shall be checked on a regular basis to prevent looseness.
(3) Check the grinding wheel from time to time in order to prevent looseness.
(4) The parallelism and perpendicularity of grinding wheel and fixture shall be checked from time to time. The problems detected must be rectified in a timely way.
(5) Since grinding wheel is a wear part, it shall be replaced on a timely basis after wear and tear.
